Learn about who we are, what we do, who supports us, our partners and our exciting vision for the Geopark.
Our Organisation
Just like the Geopark itself, our organisation would not be here were it not for what came before us. We are very proud of the UNESCO Global Geopark designation. This is not easily achieved and therefore it’s highly valued. The award also honours the successes in creating partnerships between local interests and national agencies in making the tourism and conservation a passionate common interest. The planning and hard work of so many people through the years – and the subsequent winning of the designation – is a shared success. It simply wouldn’t have been possible without an enormous and committed local, county and state collaboration. Our Geopark champions are many and varied.
Our purpose
The Burren and Cliffs of Moher Geopark’s ultimate aim is to spearhead sustainable tourism that develops and promotes the area as a truly special encounter-rich destination, strengthens the local economy and improves the visitor experience. To achieve this goal, we have developed a Code of Practice in Sustainable Tourism to work on the following areas:
1. Working Together
Fostering collaboration between all stakeholders to collectively develop and promote the Geopark as a sustainable tourism destination.
2. A Cared-For Landscape
Participating in conserving our natural and cultural heritage in accordance with the European Geoparks Network Charter and Leave No Trace principles.
3. A Well-Understood Heritage
Ensuring high standards of communication and understanding of the unique character of our place and our stories, emphasizing the particular attributes and strengths of the Geopark.
4. Sustainable Tourism Management
Building capacity in the destination management and stewardship, focussing on enhancing the quality and standards of visitor experiences and tourism products and services.
5. Vibrant Communities
Optimising tourism’s potential as both an economic and social development tool which benefits hosts as well as visitors.
6. Strengthened Livelihoods
Creating strong economic benefits through product development, marketing and promotion, cost and energy savings, local sourcing and the creation of employment.
Our pioneering funders
Clare County Council
The Burren and Cliffs of Moher Geopark is managed and co-funded by Clare County Council who recognise the need to balance tourism and conservation in the Burren region. Since 2008, Clare County Council has been working in the Burren to address the balance of tourism and conservation. Initially through the Burren Connect project and now through the Geopark they are supporting the development of a sustainable tourism destination that gives direct benefits to the local community, promotes and celebrates local culture and preserves the environment.
Geological Survey of Ireland
Failte Ireland