A model for sustainable tourism destination development that can be implemented by destination managers across the world will be unveiled at a major international conference at the Falls Hotel & …

Geopark Newsletter, Issue 6 The sixth edition of the Burren and Cliffs of Moher Geopark newsletter is your guide to what the Geopark is all about, with updates on the GeoparkLIFE project, …

The GeoparkLIFE funded Integrated catchment management project, Uisce Aille has been named as joint winner of Senior Water Award at the ECO UNESCO Young Environmentalist Awards. The awards honor Ireland’s …

The Burren Rocks – 25th and 29th May 2017 The Burren Rocks Festival celebrates one of Ireland’s most intriguing landscapes – The Burren and Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Global Geopark. 2017 will see …

A 320-million-year-old shark tooth fossil has been discovered on the Geopark coastline and will be put on public display next week. The very rare and significant find was made Dr. Eamon …

Managers and geologists from over 60 European UNESCO Global Geoparks will this week gather in County Clare to attend an international meeting and to visit the Burren & Cliffs of …

The Burren and Cliffs of Moher Geopark are set to host the 39th European Geoparks Meeting. The Meeting will see members from all 69 European Geoparks travelling to the Burren …

The third edition of the Burren and Cliffs of Moher Geopark newsletter your guide to what the Geopark is all about, with updates on the GeoparkLIFE project, events, education initiatives …

The Burren and Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Global Geopark is marking National Heritage week by hosting a number of events starting with a free public guided walk for all ages …